You Can Make a Difference. Become a Member Today!
For over 60 years, The Arc Chemung-Schuyler has provided excellence in service to people with developmental disabilities in the Chemung and Schuyler County area. Support from members in our community have helped make this dedication to quality possible.
Today, The Arc Chemung-Schuyler supports nearly 1,200 people and their families. Yet, despite our progress, much work remains to be done until the dreams of integration, independence and individuality for people with disabilities is fully realized. You can help make the dream a reality by supporting the mission of The Arc Chemung-Schuyler.
Why is The Arc Chemung-Schuyler's Annual Membership Campaign So Important?
Your support and inclusion in the agency helps people with disabilities become more independent, productive and integrated in our local community. Without your help there is less opportunity for personal growth and achievement.
Membership provides our agency the ability to advocate legislatively at the state level. Our agency continues to face enormous challenges given the current economic climate of our state and nation.
What is The Arc Chemung-Schuyler's Annual Membership Campaign?
Each year The Arc Chemung-Schuyler runs a membership campaign in which we ask the community, our staff, families, and the people we support to become a member of the agency.
It is only $5.00, per person, to become a member!
Membership lasts one full calendar year and includes enrollment at the State and National levels.
Part of a business? Enroll every one of your employees in The Arc Chemung-Schuyler!
Benefits of The Arc Chemung-Schuyler's Annual Membership Campaign?
You increase our representation with our parent organization, The Arc New York. The more members our chapter has, the greater impact we have on state legislators and national policy makers.
Complimentary admission to The Arc Chemung-Schuyler’s Annual Member Reception.
Opportunities to volunteer with The Arc and participate in local legislative advocacy.
Receive a Three‐Tier Membership - When you become a member of your local Chapter of The Arc New York, you are joining a three‐tier organization of people—local, state, and national. This means you gain access to organizational information through e-newsletters, periodic mailings, events, and more regarding developments in the field of developmental disabilities from The Arc Chemung-Schuyler, The Arc New York, Inc. and The Arc of the U.S.

We hope you'll join The Arc Chemung-Schuyler. Together, we will keep the vision alive of creating opportunities for individual successes.
Click here to become a member online today!
Or, Print and Mail your Membership Form
(Please provide full contact information for each individual you are
enrolling in membership. Members must be at least 18 years of age.)
Mail your completed form to:
The Arc Chemung-Schuyler
711 Sullivan Street
Elmira, NY 14901.
For additional information, contact or 607.734.6151 x122.
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