Step 1:
Contact Judy at or (607) 734-6151 ext. 154. Judy will help you through the eligibility proces.
Before your first appointment — click here for a list of what documents to bring.
Step 2:
You will be asked to attend a Front Door information session. The information session is a way for you to learn valuable information about:
The supports and services that may be right for you, and how to access them
The options that exist for helping individuals and families
How the Front Door process works
Step 3:
Once your eligibility status is determined, Judy will be able to assist you in identifying what supports and services are available through The Arc Chemung-Schuyler.
Judy is available to answer questions along the way, and is happy to assist you and your family in determining the right path for you. Don't hesitate to call!
Let's Get Social