Youth Employment Services

This 2-6 week program, provides students and young adults, 18-24 years of age, the opportunity to learn work readiness skills, such as appropriate work behaviors, exploring the motivation for work, coping skills for the workplace, resume development and preparing a job application, exposure to travel training, interviewing skills, and more.


Work Readiness 

  • Two sessions (morning/afternoon)

  • Classroom setting

  • Curriculum will address/include:

    • Interest inventory

    • Appropriate work behaviors

    • Exploring motivation for work

    • Stress management and coping skills for the workplace

    • Resume development and job applications

    • Portfolio development

    • Exposure to travel training

    • Orientation to Workforce New York

    • Interviewing skills, including mock interviews


Work Experience and Development

  • Vocational staff will utilize relationships with community businesses in order to provide a variety of employment experience options

  • Written and verbal feedback will be provided to the student on a periodic basis

  • Student will be provided with a documented plan for employment including strengths and opportunities for growth


Coaching Supports for Employment

  • Support for on-the-job or off-the-job activities

  • Coaching support is offered on a short-term basis

  • Services may include:

    • Job orientation

    • Job destination travel training

    • Teaching basic job tasks

    • Supervision at the worksite

    • Consultation with worksite supervisor

    • Assistance with integrating into the work environment or adjusting to changes in the work place

Is The Arc ChArc_Chemung-SchuylerNYS_CMYKColor_Pos_EPS.pngemung-Schuyler right for you? 

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